Terms and Conditions of Service

Plantilla de términos y condiciones (T&C) 

Artículo 1 - Alcance general y objeto del acuerdo

Los siguientes términos y condiciones (T&C) rigen la relación entre usted como cliente y nuestra empresa al interactuar a través de nuestro sitio web https://principedepaz1.movilapp.net/ y/o en nuestra aplicación Viva Radio 104.1 FM.

Navegar y/o interactuar en nuestro sitio web y/o aplicación significa que usted acepta expresamente estos T&C sin reservas ni objeciones.

Nuestra empresa tiene el derecho de modificar o adaptar estos T&C en cualquier momento y sin previo aviso. Estos TyC son directamente aplicables tan pronto como se publiquen en nuestro sitio web y/o aplicación y/o se le envíen por cualquier medio.

Por favor lea estos Términos y Condiciones cuidadosamente antes de usar, interactuar o acceder a nuestro sitio web y/o aplicación.

Al aceptar estos TyC, nos garantiza que ha alcanzado al menos la mayoría de edad legal en su país, estado o provincia de residencia. Si eres menor de edad nos otorgas que tienes todos los derechos y consentimiento de tus representantes legales para utilizar nuestros servicios. Si no ha alcanzado la mayoría de edad, no debe utilizar nuestros Servicios.

No tiene derecho a utilizar nuestros servicios, sitio web y/o aplicación para fines ilegales o no autorizados.

No debe intentar piratear, alterar el uso o las funciones de nuestros servicios, enviar virus o dirigir o intentar dirigir cualquier otro tipo de ataque hacia nuestros servicios. Tampoco debe intentar atentar contra la integridad de nuestros servicios.


Artículo 2 - Contenido y propiedad intelectual

El contenido proporcionado en nuestros Servicios puede ser accesible de forma gratuita o no. Es posible que se requiera iniciar sesión en algunos contenidos o tener una suscripción paga válida (IAP, contenidos restringidos o secciones).

Si algún contenido requiere que tenga una cuenta o que esté registrado, consulte el Artículo 4 «Proceso de registro» para saber cómo acceder a nuestros Servicios.

Los contenidos de nuestros Servicios están destinados para uso personal, no comercial. Todos los materiales disponibles en nuestros Servicios están protegidos por derechos de autor y/o derechos de propiedad intelectual.

Además, algunos contenidos pueden estar protegidos por otros derechos, como marcas registradas, patentes, secretos comerciales, derechos de bases de datos, derechos sui generis y otros derechos intelectuales o de propiedad.

El usuario de nuestros Servicios no puede reproducir total o parcialmente ningún contenido que esté disponible a través de nuestros Servicios. El usuario tampoco reproducirá ninguno de nuestros logotipos, nombres, identidad visual, etc., tampoco intentará reproducir, copiar o producir una mera copia de nuestros Servicios.

The user will not modify, copy, paste, translate, sell, exploit or transmit for free or not any of the content, text, photo, pictures, drawing, audio content, podcast or any content that is available on our Services.


Article 3 - Subscription and payment (duration, recurring payment, auto renewal) 


The applicable subscription fees are shown before concluding the ordering process.

Please check how the Apple Store and the Google Store handle tax management and prices.

Any changes in taxes will be directly applicable to the abonnements

Regarding fee changes or modification, our company reserves the right to change any fee or tariff at any time and without prior notice.

Payment and Fees

Available payment methods will be shown to the client upon subscription, electronic payment will be shown only if available.

Payment methods can vary.

All of your banking details, credit card details and other payment methods are encrypted and are never stored on our website and/or application. We use third-party solutions to process your payment.

We reserve the right to modify at any time any fees, if you do not agree with the price change you can stop using our Services at any time before renewal payment occurs.

In App Purchases (IAP) to access restricted content (articles, videos, blog, unlocking exclusive content or features)

If you have subscribed through a third party such as Google Play, Apple App Store or any other third party, these Terms and Conditions might not apply to you. In that case you contract for such products will be with the third party and not with our Company. 

Our Company will not be liable for any claims related to purchases made through a third party, you must contact that third party directly.

Our Company will have no liability or responsibility regarding any issues or difficulties regarding IAP purchases as they are done through third-party platforms.

Restoring you subscription, digital contents or In App Purchases

If you have made In App Purchases (IAP) through a third party you might be able to restore your previous purchases that you have already made. This can be done using the link within our Application and/or website.


Article 4 - Registration process 

Our company might or might not require our client to first register to enable the client to access some part or the whole application and/or website. 

Each registration is intended for one user only and you are prohibited from sharing your credentials or your account with anyone.

We may cancel or suspend your access to our Services if you share your credentials.

Please notify us immediately at admin@mentenuevamarketing.com  if you think that your credentials are compromised.


If registration is required to access our website and/or application then the client must first enroll itself by creating an account. To do so the client must fill in the registry form available on our website and/or application. The client will choose a login and a password linked to a valid email address.

By doing so the client agrees that he will keep his credential confidential, secure at all times and that he will not communicate them to any third-party.

Unlogged access can also be made on our website and application 

The client must keep its credential confidential at all times and must not share its credentials with anyone.

Our company will not be held liable or responsible for any unauthorized use, modification or access on the client’s account even if fraudulent access is made using the client’s account or banking details.

Signing In with third parties authentication, including but not limited to, « Sign-in with Apple », Facebook and Twitter authentication

These third-party services might be implemented within our application and/or website to help you sign-in alongside creating an account directly on our Services.

You can either choose to register an account directly via the embedded registry form within our application and/or website or you can use third-party authentication mechanisms.

These third-party providers are not linked with our company and hence you must check and read their privacy policies and other legally binding documents that rule their services.

By using third-party authentication mechanisms, you are allowing third-party applications and/or platforms to access some of your personal data, the relationship between you and the platform is outside any kind of control of our company.

By using third-party authentication mechanisms, these platforms or applications might, depending on how you configured your account on their website, post, access, send messages, access, transfer personal data or personal and use personal data according to their own privacy rules and terms and conditions. These are only examples of what a third-party platform can do when you have granted them access to your data.

If you are unsure about how your data is managed while using these authentication services you must not use them and you should use our embedded account registration.




Article 5 - Warranties

The content provided by our Services is provided to the user « as it is » and « as available », we cannot guarantee that the content provided will be exact, true, or error-free. The user accesses our content at its own risks.

We will not be held responsible if any content on our Services is inaccurate or mistaken.


Article 6 - Content moderation (chat, comments and others) and user generated content

If our user uploads, posts or submits any type of content on the Services you represent to us that you have all the necessary legal rights to upload, post or submit such content.

You shall not publish, distribute or upload any content that is, abusive, fake news, obscene, pornographic, illegal.

In addition to that you shall not try to impersonate anyone else or use a fake identity in order to use, access or publish any content on our Services.

You shall not use our Services to transmit any kind of malware, viruses, crypto lockers, ransomware or spyware.

Users will not threaten or verbally abuse other users nor will they spam the Services. User will use respectfully language, you will not try to abuse or discriminate based on race, religion, nationality, sexual gender or preference, age, disability and so on. Hate speech is prohibited.

Our Company has the right to delete, modify, censor and delete a client’s content or account if any of the rules above are violated. This will be done without any prior justification or notice. The client will not receive any compensation.


Article 7 - Liability

Our company will not be liable in case of network disruption, viruses, outside access, fraudulent use of payment methods or any other kind or type of technical issue or fraudulent access.


Article 8 - Third-Party links and external links

Some of the contents available on our website and/or application can include materials from third-parties and outside sources. Third-party links on our websites and/or applications can direct you to outside of our control websites that are not affiliated with us. We are not responsible nor liable for controlling or examining the content or accuracy of third-party websites or outside sources.

Hence we are not liable nor responsible for any damages or misuse while accessing third-party links or external links or sources on our website and/or application.

Please read carefully our privacy policy regarding how to deal with third-party privacy policy, terms and conditions and cookie policy.


Article 9 - Disclaimer of warranties

While using our website and/or application you grant us that we will not be held liable or responsible if data on our services is not accurate, true, complete or correct. The information and data given on our services is given as illustrational and informational only and must not be used for making decisions. Further advice and information must be sought before making any serious decision. You are using our services at your own risk.

Our company reserves the right to modify and/or delete any content on our services without prior notice, but our company has no obligation to update any content available on our services.

Also our company does not guarantee that the use of our services will be error-free, timely, secure or uninterrupted. The client agrees that we can remove services from time to time or add new ones without prior notice.

Our services are delivered and provided to clients « as is » and « as available » for use, without any warranties or conditions of any kind.

In no case our company’s staff, employees, personnel, agents, interns and so on, are not liable for any loss, claim, injury, any indirect or direct damage, incidental, punitive or special damages of any kind or type. This includes loss of profits, lots of revenues, lots of data or savings, whether based on tort law, contract, liability or otherwise.


Article 10 - Indemnification

You as a client of our company agree to indemnify, defend and hold us harmless from any claim or demand, this includes attorney’s fee made by any third-party due to your breach of these T&C or any other document that is binding between you and our company.


Article 11 - Severability

If any part, article or document of these T&C or of any other binding document between you and our company is determined by a competent jurisdiction to be unlawful, void or unenforceable, such provision shall nonetheless be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

The unenforceable portion shall be deemed to be severed from these T&C such determination will not affect the validity and enforceability of any other remaining provisions.


Article 12 - Termination

All of the obligations and liabilities of the parties that occurred before the termination date shall survive the termination of this agreement.

These T&C are effective unless terminated either by our company or by the client.

The client can notify our company that he no longer wants to use our services or he can simply stop using and/or access our services, websites and/or application.

Our company can terminate this agreement at its sole discretion at any time and without prior notice, the client will hence remain liable for any remaining amounts due to our company.


Article 13 - Governing Law and Venue

The present T&C are ruled by 

Any issue arising from these T&C regarding, but not limited to, their validity, interpretation, execution, consequences and so on will be pleaded in front of the relevant jurisdiction.

The relevant jurisdiction is 


Article 14 - Contact information

If you have any question regarding these Terms and Conditions you can contact us directly at: admin@mentenuevamarketing.com .


Cancellation and refunds


If our User cancels his subscription, the cancellation will only occur for future charges associated with that subscription. You can notify us of your cancellation at any time and this cancellation will occur at the end of your current billing period.

You will not receive a refund for the current billing cycle, users will continue to have the same access and benefits of your products for the remainder of the current billing period.

You might be able to get a partial or a full refund depending on where you live and based on the applicable legislation and regulation.

Our Company reserves the right to issue refunds or credits at our sole discretion.

Si se realizan IAP dentro de nuestros Servicios, debe consultar los Términos y condiciones de la tienda sobre cómo administrar y obtener su reembolso o cancelación. Puede comprobar su estado en https://support.apple.com/en-ph/HT204084 para Apple o en https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/2479637?hl=en para Google.